

Automotive in Colorado Springs, CO

Automotive Auto Dealers Auto Repair

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528 E Pikes Peak Avenue,
Colorado Springs , CO 80903 UNITED STATES

About Autosmith

We are an automotive repair center that specialize in European Domestic and Asian VehiclesMonday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.\nFriday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.\n


Autosmith 719-634-4800
528 E Pikes Peak Avenue,
Colorado Springs , CO 80903 UNITED STATES
Autosmith 4.5

Based on 2 reviews

Autosmith 719-634-4800
528 E Pikes Peak Avenue,
Colorado Springs , CO 80903 UNITED STATES
4 5

Autosmith is the best!

Autosmith is by far the best auto repair facility in town! Autosmith took care of my Honda quickly and even provided me with a loaner car so I could run my errands. If you are looking for a hard working, honest shop, look no further...
posted at 03/16/11
Autosmith 719-634-4800
528 E Pikes Peak Avenue,
Colorado Springs , CO 80903 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great job repairing our Toyota!

We took in our 2004 Toyota Sienna (108,000 miles) for an annoying vibration. They replaced the right front axle and it drives like a brand new car! There was a little bit of an issue with some warning lights that came on after. I took it...
posted at 05/10/11

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4.5 (2 reviews)
auto tune up,  collision auto repair,  auto diagnostics honda repair
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