Humpty Dumpty Day Care

Humpty Dumpty Day Care

Local Services in Sylvania, GA

Local Services Child Care and Day Care Centers

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1538 Savannah Hwy,
Sylvania , GA 30467 UNITED STATES


Humpty Dumpty Day Care 912-564-9927
1538 Savannah Hwy,
Sylvania , GA 30467 UNITED STATES
Humpty Dumpty Day Care 5

Based on 1 reviews

Humpty Dumpty Day Care 912-564-9927
1538 Savannah Hwy,
Sylvania , GA 30467 UNITED STATES
5 5


Humpty Dumpty Day Care is the best day care in Sylvania. Racheal That own the day care is the absolute best! Prices are very reasonable and drop in rate can not be beat! Not too many kids and a lot of great, caring teachers. Humpty Dumpty can not be beat, this is the best!
posted at 06/29/05

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Humpty Dumpty Day Care
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5.0 (1 reviews)
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