Dr. Walter Wagner Chiropractic

Dr. Walter Wagner Chiropractic

Doctors in West Jordan, UT

Doctors Chiropractors

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6271 South Dixie Drive #12,
West Jordan , UT 84084 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Walter Wagner Chiropractic

As a true family chiropractor, Dr. Wagner is able to assist all family members no matter the age or ailment. He offers the best evaluation of your condition and the most economical way to treat it. Long term, expensive pre-paid treatment plans have no place in his office. If high pressure sales have been a part of your chiropractic experience, then it's time to visit Dr. Wagner for a refreshing change in how treatment should be.
Dr. Wagner offers on-site x-ray to diagnose your unique problems and offer the best prognosis for healing. Automobile accidents are challenging events for both the patient and the treating physician. "No one will work harder to get you better" is Dr. Wagner's philosophy. Your time is valuable and patients are usually seen the same day and as soon as they walk in for their scheduled appointments. Treatment is also given on the initial visit.

Visit our website or call us today!



Dr. Walter Wagner Chiropractic 801-966-6200
6271 South Dixie Drive #12,
West Jordan , UT 84084 UNITED STATES
Dr. Walter Wagner Chiropractic

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Dr. Walter Wagner Chiropractic
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Dr. Walter Wagner Chiropractic

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