Foster, Carla S, Md - First Med Urgent Care

Foster, Carla S, Md - First Med Urgent Care

Doctors in Bountiful, UT


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214 W 1500 S,
Bountiful , UT 84010 UNITED STATES


Foster, Carla S, Md - First Med Urgent Care 801-295-6483
214 W 1500 S,
Bountiful , UT 84010 UNITED STATES
Foster, Carla S, Md - First Med Urgent Care 1

Based on 1 reviews

Foster, Carla S, Md - First Med Urgent Care 801-295-6483
214 W 1500 S,
Bountiful , UT 84010 UNITED STATES
1 5

Carla Foster Md is an idiot

This women is in idiot and she shouldn't even be a doctor. She has no idea what shes even talking about. My husband was hurt at work pretty badly and she wouldn't do anything about it. So hes stuck working on a busted foot because she...
posted at 05/28/10

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Foster, Carla S, Md - First Med Urgent Care
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Foster, Carla S, Md - First Med Urgent Care

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