Bd Enterprises

Bd Enterprises

Fashion in Taunton, MA

Fashion Fashion Designers

Contact us


50 Partridge Cir,
Taunton , MA 02780 UNITED STATES


Bd Enterprises 401-265-0535
50 Partridge Cir,
Taunton , MA 02780 UNITED STATES
Bd Enterprises 1

Based on 1 reviews

Bd Enterprises 401-265-0535
50 Partridge Cir,
Taunton , MA 02780 UNITED STATES
1 5

Tried to purchase a coffee Koozie from them online. Took my money told me it would be 90 days. It's been 6 months and many attempts to reach them to no avail. I lost very little money myself but I would hate to guess how many other people they have ripped off!
posted at 04/27/12

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Bd Enterprises
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