Gerald Fugit Law Firm

Gerald Fugit Law Firm

Professional Services in Odessa, TX

Professional Services Lawyers and Law Firms Law and Courts

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412 N Texas Ave,
Odessa , TX 79761 UNITED STATES

About Gerald Fugit Law Firm

In today’s world, it can feel as if you are totally alone. As if there is no one to protect your rights. As a firm, we believe in giving our clients an aggressive legal posture in the courtroom and the negotiating room, backed by empathy and respect in our personal dealings.

That’s where we come in. It’s our job to make sure that, if someone or some company has harmed you in any way, they take responsibility for the damage they have done.

The welfare of our clients is vitally important to us.


Gerald Fugit Law Firm 432-332-1661
412 N Texas Ave,
Odessa , TX 79761 UNITED STATES
Gerald Fugit Law Firm

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Gerald Fugit Law Firm
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Gerald Fugit Law Firm

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