Mages Land Co & Auction Svc

Mages Land Co & Auction Svc

Real Estate in Lafayette, MN

Real Estate Real Estate Agencies Construction Consulting and Management

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57815 330th St,
Lafayette , MN 56054 UNITED STATES


Mages Land Co & Auction Svc 507-228-8352
57815 330th St,
Lafayette , MN 56054 UNITED STATES
Mages Land Co & Auction Svc 5

Based on 2 reviews

Mages Land Co & Auction Svc 507-228-8352
57815 330th St,
Lafayette , MN 56054 UNITED STATES
5 5

Big Job

Matt Mages and Mages Land Company had a huge job to do with my mom's personal property auction, and everything he promised, they delivered. It was truly a joy to do business with them. I will highly recommend their company to any and all...
posted at 02/24/11
Mages Land Co & Auction Svc 507-228-8352
57815 330th St,
Lafayette , MN 56054 UNITED STATES
5 5

Excellent Professionals

When Mages Land Company sold our farm, the personal professional service was second to none. We would personally recommend them to anyone thinking about a property sale. Thanks again guys!
posted at 02/24/11

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Mages Land Co & Auction Svc
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