Family Eye Care

Family Eye Care

Eye doctors & Optometrists in Chippewa Falls, WI

Eye doctors & Optometrists Wholesalers

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113 N Bridge St,
Chippewa Falls , WI 54729 UNITED STATES


Family Eye Care 715-723-9187
113 N Bridge St,
Chippewa Falls , WI 54729 UNITED STATES
Family Eye Care 3

Based on 2 reviews

Family Eye Care 715-723-9187
113 N Bridge St,
Chippewa Falls , WI 54729 UNITED STATES
5 5

Very Helpful!

I was referred to this office by a friend at work who has the same insurance as me and I was not disappointed (as I have been with several other places).

The doctor and staff was very friendly and helpful. I felt like they really cared...
posted at 03/21/11
Family Eye Care 715-723-9187
113 N Bridge St,
Chippewa Falls , WI 54729 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not going back

Out of the staff, one was personable and friendly, the rest snubby and act as if you are bothering them.

Had to repeatedly go back, and when they said they would call, I had to follow up instead.

On three seperate occasions, I was...
posted at 03/16/11

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Family Eye Care
Eye doctors & Optometrists
3.0 (2 reviews)
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