Pets in Johnson City, TN
Pets • Animal Shelters • Animal Adoption
525 Sells Ave,
Johnson City ,
Based on 3 reviews
Help if you can, but please face reality
The project for my statistics class was on the adoption and euthanasia rate at local shelters. After visiting all the local animal shelters, I can honestly say that Johnson City is the nicest facility and also has the highest adoption...A second for blaming the people...
While it is sad for me to walk in and see all of the animals that will be euthanized in this shelter, I also know that their last days are spent being cared for, loved on, and given food and water. To leave an animal on the street forced...white beautiful fluffy dog
this dog is outside.It is the most goergous dog i have ever seen.It has long hair which is hard to brush so i comment the people at the dog pound for taking such good care of this dog.Worldwide > United States > Johnson City, TN > Animal Shelters