Wood's Automotive

Wood's Automotive

Auto Repair in Johnson City, TN

Auto Repair

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2609 S Roan St,
Johnson City , TN 37601 UNITED STATES


Wood's Automotive 423-232-7940
2609 S Roan St,
Johnson City , TN 37601 UNITED STATES
Wood's Automotive 1

Based on 1 reviews

Wood's Automotive 423-232-7940
2609 S Roan St,
Johnson City , TN 37601 UNITED STATES
1 5

Horrible Service

I hate that I have to rate this business at all, but since I feel that everyone should know what type of business they are running I am. I am debating suing them for a measly $200 because they messed up something on my car and say they...
posted at 08/02/11

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Wood's Automotive
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
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