Cooper's Gem Mine

Cooper's Gem Mine

Arts & Entertainment in Blountville, TN

Arts & Entertainment Amusement Parks and Arcades Visitors Information

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1140 Big Hollow Rd,
Blountville , TN 37617 UNITED STATES


Cooper's Gem Mine 423-323-5680
1140 Big Hollow Rd,
Blountville , TN 37617 UNITED STATES
Cooper's Gem Mine 5

Based on 2 reviews

Cooper's Gem Mine 423-323-5680
1140 Big Hollow Rd,
Blountville , TN 37617 UNITED STATES
5 5

Birthday Party @ Cooper's Gem Mine

I had my sons 9th B-day party @ Cooper's Gem Mine. We had an absolute blast. The staff done everything, I just enjoyed the day with my son. The photos Amy took were amazing. They even sent a disk with...
posted at 06/29/10
Cooper's Gem Mine 423-323-5680
1140 Big Hollow Rd,
Blountville , TN 37617 UNITED STATES
5 5

Perfect Place

I was in town because my mother was laying in the hospital dying with cancer. While my sister would stay with mom, I would go to Cooper's Gem Mine for what I called a "therapy" bucket. The location is...
posted at 04/09/11

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Cooper's Gem Mine
Arts & Entertainment
5.0 (2 reviews)
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Cooper's Gem Mine

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