Spee Dee Lube

Spee Dee Lube

Auto Repair in Neosho, MO

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

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502 S Neosho Blvd,
Neosho , MO 64850 UNITED STATES


Spee Dee Lube 417-451-1525
502 S Neosho Blvd,
Neosho , MO 64850 UNITED STATES
Spee Dee Lube 4

Based on 1 reviews

Spee Dee Lube 417-451-1525
502 S Neosho Blvd,
Neosho , MO 64850 UNITED STATES
4 5

Poor service and customer satisfaction

We recently had an oil change done here and I was appalled at the mess they made in my engine compartment. There was oil all over the pulleys, serpentine belt, and fender wells. When asked about it, they denied doing it, became...
posted at 10/23/10

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Spee Dee Lube
Auto Repair
4.0 (1 reviews)
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