Paul's Auto Svc

Paul's Auto Svc

Auto Repair in Virginia Beach, VA

Auto Repair Towing Auto Parts and Accessories

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128 Happy St,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES


Paul's Auto Svc 757-486-1575
128 Happy St,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
Paul's Auto Svc 1

Based on 2 reviews

Paul's Auto Svc 757-486-1575
128 Happy St,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
1 5


They will nickel and dime you intill your broke... service was slowww and they where rude... would not trust them with my truck...
posted at 02/18/11
Paul's Auto Svc 757-486-1575
128 Happy St,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
1 5

stay away

What do most people say about mechanics..anuff said.
posted at 02/18/11

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Paul's Auto Svc
Auto Repair
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