Tnt Tinting Specialists

Tnt Tinting Specialists

Auto Repair in Virginia Beach, VA

Auto Repair

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588 N Birdneck Rd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23451 UNITED STATES


Tnt Tinting Specialists 757-248-5111
588 N Birdneck Rd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23451 UNITED STATES
Tnt Tinting Specialists 2.4

Based on 5 reviews

Tnt Tinting Specialists 757-248-5111
588 N Birdneck Rd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23451 UNITED STATES
4 5

honest and respectful

My family moved here from Texas. We got ticketed the first week we moved here. My wife called around and other places were charging rediculous prices. I personally came to tnt and the manager was very helpful and actually knew what he...
posted at 06/08/11
Tnt Tinting Specialists 757-248-5111
588 N Birdneck Rd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23451 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Product, Even Worse Service

The manager and owner are rude and arrogant. The LIFETIME WARRANTY that is offered does not cover anything. They say they will fix it if the tint bubbles or peels, but there are stipulations. I definitely do NOT recommend this place,...
posted at 12/04/10
Tnt Tinting Specialists 757-248-5111
588 N Birdneck Rd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23451 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad bad bad

I would never recommend this place to anyone. First - I took my car in on a Saturday. They told me they were wide open and it would take 45 minutes. I got there and they were slammed. A few HOURS later my car was ready. Oh, and they said...
posted at 01/27/11
Tnt Tinting Specialists 757-248-5111
588 N Birdneck Rd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23451 UNITED STATES
5 5

clean and fast!

i shopped around and found this place to be the most reasonable. a couple of other places were less money, but they said it would take 2-4 hours to finish. i took my car to tnt and they were really busy. they still had my honda done in...
posted at 06/08/11
Tnt Tinting Specialists 757-248-5111
588 N Birdneck Rd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23451 UNITED STATES
1 5

Bad Product, Even Worse Service

The manager and owner are rude and arrogant. The LIFETIME WARRANTY that is offered does not cover anything. They say they will fix it if the tint bubbles or peels, but there are stipulations. I definitely do NOT recommend this place,...
posted at 12/04/10

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Tnt Tinting Specialists
Auto Repair
2.4 (5 reviews)
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