Champs R US Service Center

Champs R US Service Center

Auto Repair in Poquoson, VA

Auto Repair

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608 Wythe Creek Rd,
Poquoson , VA 23662 UNITED STATES


Champs R US Service Center 757-868-6273
608 Wythe Creek Rd,
Poquoson , VA 23662 UNITED STATES
Champs R US Service Center 5

Based on 1 reviews

Champs R US Service Center 757-868-6273
608 Wythe Creek Rd,
Poquoson , VA 23662 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great work, good people, inexpensive. What more can you ask?

Came in, needed an oil change and inspection. Did both in under 2 hours and for about $30 cheaper than expected.\r
Grade A Service, the guy who was there was nice and understanding, seemed like a hard working guy who really cares about...
posted at 04/05/10

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Champs R US Service Center
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Champs R US Service Center

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