Beach Ford Inc

Beach Ford Inc

Auto Dealers in Virginia Beach, VA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Body Shops

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2717 Virginia Beach Blvd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES


Beach Ford Inc 757-486-2717
2717 Virginia Beach Blvd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
Beach Ford Inc 2.8

Based on 5 reviews

Beach Ford Inc 757-486-2717
2717 Virginia Beach Blvd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
5 5

mr to

i have purchesed cars from dealers in the past dealing only with beach ford now. beach ford is a very great pllace to deal from top to bottem
posted at 02/05/11
Beach Ford Inc 757-486-2717
2717 Virginia Beach Blvd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good Service

I've been a Beach Ford customer for a long time, and I always have a good experience. Everyone is so friendly, and they take good care of my car.\r
I recommend Beach Ford to everyone.
posted at 12/03/10
Beach Ford Inc 757-486-2717
2717 Virginia Beach Blvd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
1 5

WORST service department of all time!

I have had nothing but problems with the Beach Ford service department. I bought my car last year. When I drove it off of the lot I drove it straight to my friends place to show off my new car. When I got there we walked around it and saw...
posted at 09/20/10
Beach Ford Inc 757-486-2717
2717 Virginia Beach Blvd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
2 5

Not Willing to negotiate... AT ALL

After searching hampton roads for the perfect truck. I narrowed it down to an F-150 at Cavalier Ford and an F-150 at Beach Ford. The truck I really wanted was at Beach ford but it was a little out of my price range, appox. $1000. I...
posted at 09/20/10
Beach Ford Inc 757-486-2717
2717 Virginia Beach Blvd,
Virginia Beach , VA 23452 UNITED STATES
1 5


I had my Explorer serviced in Feb 2009. I had normal maint done on the vehicle. When I drove off, lug nuts were missing from one of the the wheels causing the car to swerve and shake. It was raining at the time and I had marked difficulty...
posted at 07/06/11

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Beach Ford Inc
Auto Dealers
2.8 (5 reviews)
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