Smokers Edge

Smokers Edge

Arts & Entertainment in Shelby, NC

Arts & Entertainment Smoking

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3778 W Dixon Blvd,
Shelby , NC 28152 UNITED STATES


Smokers Edge 704-434-8653
3778 W Dixon Blvd,
Shelby , NC 28152 UNITED STATES
Smokers Edge 3

Based on 1 reviews

Smokers Edge 704-434-8653
3778 W Dixon Blvd,
Shelby , NC 28152 UNITED STATES
3 5

Smoker's Edge

Smokers Edge is a little known business. They are located at 3772 West Dixon Blvd in Shelby, North Carolina. You can call them to check brands and prices. The location is good. Parking is adequate since you usually know what you are going in there for and you can get in and get. The store is small, but it is adequate. I like their prices, especially in today's market because cigarettes are so expensive. The staff is friendly. I go there often and have been satisified. I do recommend with the notations stated. A is what this store gets!
posted at 11/30/05

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Smokers Edge
Arts & Entertainment
3.0 (1 reviews)
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