Alltech Automotive

Alltech Automotive

Auto Repair in Clovis, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Transmissions and Engines

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177 N Sunnyside #100,
Clovis , CA 93611 UNITED STATES


Alltech Automotive 559-299-7766
177 N Sunnyside #100,
Clovis , CA 93611 UNITED STATES
Alltech Automotive 5

Based on 2 reviews

Alltech Automotive 559-299-7766
177 N Sunnyside #100,
Clovis , CA 93611 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Service in Clovis

Always prompt service and competitive prices. My family and I have taken 5 of our vehicles to All Tech for regular services and for repairs. When I worked as a delivery driver and became stranded in the Fresno sun, the boss (out of...
posted at 03/03/11
Alltech Automotive 559-299-7766
177 N Sunnyside #100,
Clovis , CA 93611 UNITED STATES
5 5

These guys are AWESOME!

I started taking my cars to All Tech on the recommendation of a friend 8 years ago These guys are the ultimate professionals....honest, friendly, fair, trustworthy, quality workmanship. This is the ONLY place I will take my cars to get...
posted at 03/30/11

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Alltech Automotive
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