Gordys Warming House Coffee House

Gordys Warming House Coffee House

Restaurants in Cloquet, MN

Restaurants Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Sweets

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411 Sunnyside Dr,
Cloquet , MN 55720 UNITED STATES


Gordys Warming House Coffee House 218-879-4090
411 Sunnyside Dr,
Cloquet , MN 55720 UNITED STATES
Gordys Warming House Coffee House 5

Based on 1 reviews

Gordys Warming House Coffee House 218-879-4090
411 Sunnyside Dr,
Cloquet , MN 55720 UNITED STATES
5 5

A great place to get together with friends

The coffee is delicious and always fresh. They have, i think, 30 some flavors of ice cream to choose from. The fireplace and couches are a very cozy addition. My experiences there have always been fantastic.

Go there after eating dinner...
posted at 04/06/10

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Gordys Warming House Coffee House
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Gordys Warming House Coffee House

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