Moline, Scott Dvm

Moline, Scott Dvm

Veterinarians in Indianola, IA


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1007 E 2nd Ave,
Indianola , IA 50125 UNITED STATES


Moline, Scott Dvm 515-961-2501
1007 E 2nd Ave,
Indianola , IA 50125 UNITED STATES
Moline, Scott Dvm 1

Based on 1 reviews

Moline, Scott Dvm 515-961-2501
1007 E 2nd Ave,
Indianola , IA 50125 UNITED STATES
1 5


Dr. Scott has done a wonderful job with my black lab. She got into Rat poison. When I brought her in last Friday she was very close to dying. The Dr. and staff have done an amazing job with her. She not out the the woods yet, but...
posted at 11/30/10

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