Lincoln Park Manor

Lincoln Park Manor

Assisted Living Facilities in Kettering, Ohio

Assisted Living Facilities Elder Care

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694 Isaac Prugh Way,
Kettering , Ohio 45429 UNITED STATES

About Lincoln Park Manor

Lincoln Park Manor offers skilled nursing, assisted living and rehabilitation. Here at Lincoln Park Manor, you can expect an exceptional level of care from our 5 Star Medicare rated facility. The outdoor spaces include a patio, lovely fish and lily pond, a wishing bridge and a beautiful gazebo while the sunroom provides a warm atmosphere without having to go outside. Facility includes 30 private assisted living suites & 60 skilled nursing beds with private and semi-private options.



Lincoln Park Manor 937-297-4300
694 Isaac Prugh Way,
Kettering , Ohio 45429 UNITED STATES
Lincoln Park Manor 1

Based on 1 reviews

Lincoln Park Manor 937-297-4300
694 Isaac Prugh Way,
Kettering , Ohio 45429 UNITED STATES
1 5

Think Twice!

My mother is currently in Lincoln Park Manor, we're at day #5, our family is not pleased! If I get my way, she'll be outa there on Monday!

My mom's 1st night there was an absolute nightmare! According to my mother, she called for help...
posted at 06/19/10

Detail information

Company name
Lincoln Park Manor
Assisted Living Facilities
1.0 (1 reviews)
assisted living,  skilled nursing,  rehabilitation senior care
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Lincoln Park Manor

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