Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet

Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet

Auto Repair in West Columbia, SC

Auto Repair

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4000 Sunset Blvd,
West Columbia , SC 29169 UNITED STATES


Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet 803-926-3235
4000 Sunset Blvd,
West Columbia , SC 29169 UNITED STATES
Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet 5

Based on 2 reviews

Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet 803-926-3235
4000 Sunset Blvd,
West Columbia , SC 29169 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great place to buy a used car!

I have purchased 4 vehicles from Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet and every time I got a great deal. I have found them to be one of the most honest car dealerships I have ever worked with. The owner has always addressed every concern...
posted at 02/01/11
Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet 803-926-3235
4000 Sunset Blvd,
West Columbia , SC 29169 UNITED STATES
5 5

Definitely not your usual car salesman!

After 3 visits to 3 different dealerships, I listened to my friends & went to Lexington Automotive & Truck. Bryant took care of not only me, but my friend/chauffuer for that day & her 2 yr old son. He was refreshingly honest, something I...
posted at 02/17/11

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Lexington Automotive & Truck Outlet
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
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