Walt's Inc

Walt's Inc

Auto Repair in Shinnston, WV

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Towing

Contact us


805 Hood Ave,
Shinnston , WV 26431 UNITED STATES


Walt's Inc 304-592-5100
805 Hood Ave,
Shinnston , WV 26431 UNITED STATES
Walt's Inc 3.6666666666667

Based on 3 reviews

Walt's Inc 304-592-5100
805 Hood Ave,
Shinnston , WV 26431 UNITED STATES
4 5


I locked my keys in my car on Black Friday. I called AAA; however, the towing service they sent out was not able to open a convertible. Walt's was the second service sent.\r
The front office arrange to send the driver earlier than...
posted at 11/26/10
Walt's Inc 304-592-5100
805 Hood Ave,
Shinnston , WV 26431 UNITED STATES
2 5


Though the majority of the staff is incredibly friendly, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone because of their high prices. We locked our keys in our car and had to call them. $50 for a 5 minute drive and to pop the lock open.
posted at 11/03/05
Walt's Inc 304-592-5100
805 Hood Ave,
Shinnston , WV 26431 UNITED STATES
5 5


I locked my keys in my car on Black Friday. I called AAA; however, the towing service they sent out was not able to open a convertible. Walt's was the second service sent.

The front office arrange to send the driver earlier than first predicted and called 5 mins before so I could stay in the warm store. The driver was courteous and so efficient, he had me on my way in minutes, assuring me that I was not the only one who ever did this.

I'm surprised that someone would complain about paying $50 for such service. How could you get yourself into a locked car for any less than that?
posted at 11/26/10

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Walt's Inc
Auto Repair
3.7 (3 reviews)
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