Victory Hill Church of God

Victory Hill Church of God

Churches in Crozet, VA


Contact us


140 Patterson Mill Ln,
Crozet , VA 22932 UNITED STATES


Victory Hill Church of God 434-823-4469
140 Patterson Mill Ln,
Crozet , VA 22932 UNITED STATES
Victory Hill Church of God 5

Based on 2 reviews

Victory Hill Church of God 434-823-4469
140 Patterson Mill Ln,
Crozet , VA 22932 UNITED STATES
5 5

Victory Hill Church

victory hill Church Of God has an Amazing Worship team and a Pastor that can relate to almost everyone's personal issues, The youth minestries lead by Aaron Beagly are outstanding and connect with all of the young people there. They have...
posted at 02/01/11
Victory Hill Church of God 434-823-4469
140 Patterson Mill Ln,
Crozet , VA 22932 UNITED STATES
5 5

Bill Bonilla

When a person is leaving a church building exclaiming how "Good God is" because they've been touched by God, deeply, as only He can touch, that's five stars in my book.
posted at 01/25/11

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Victory Hill Church of God
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Victory Hill Church of God

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