Metro Buffet

Metro Buffet

Restaurants in Cedar Rapids, IA


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2745 Blairs Ferry Rd NE,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52402 UNITED STATES


Metro Buffet 319-395-7888
2745 Blairs Ferry Rd NE,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52402 UNITED STATES
Metro Buffet 3

Based on 1 reviews

Metro Buffet 319-395-7888
2745 Blairs Ferry Rd NE,
Cedar Rapids , IA 52402 UNITED STATES
3 5

Great buffet

Our family loves buffets for the simple fact that 3 of our 4 kids are very picky about what they want and very rarely can agree on what to eat. Metro works for us everytime!
posted at 02/23/10

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Metro Buffet
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