Beverly Hills Bargain Boutique

Beverly Hills Bargain Boutique

Womens Clothing in Smiths Grove, KY

Womens Clothing

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2181 Pig Rd,
Smiths Grove , KY 42171 UNITED STATES


Beverly Hills Bargain Boutique 270-843-3756
2181 Pig Rd,
Smiths Grove , KY 42171 UNITED STATES
Beverly Hills Bargain Boutique 5

Based on 1 reviews

Beverly Hills Bargain Boutique 270-843-3756
2181 Pig Rd,
Smiths Grove , KY 42171 UNITED STATES
5 5

Worth the trip!

I love this store! I work in Frankfort, and I found this wonderful boutique during a lunch break at a conference I attended in Bowling Green years ago. Now, I NEVER miss an opportunity to make the tre...
posted at 03/02/10

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Beverly Hills Bargain Boutique
Womens Clothing
5.0 (1 reviews)
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Beverly Hills Bargain Boutique

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