Urban auto center

Urban auto center

Auto Repair in Cleveland, OH

Auto Repair

Contact us


15315 Lorain Ave,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES

About Urban auto center

Urban Auto Center is a privately held company in Cleveland, OH and is a Single Location business.


Urban auto center 216-251-0266
15315 Lorain Ave,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
Urban auto center 4

Based on 2 reviews

Urban auto center 216-251-0266
15315 Lorain Ave,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
4 5

Urban's Auto Ctr NO GOOD, I 2ND THAT!

I took my car here because that is where my warranty would pay, and as a non paying customer it still was a horrible experience. They got my car and told me they would fix a lot of things such as the wheel bearings, wheel wlignment,...
posted at 07/12/10
Urban auto center 216-251-0266
15315 Lorain Ave,
Cleveland , OH 44111 UNITED STATES
4 5

Took Care of Me

I had a very different experience than you two had at Urban. My car was not running right, and Matt went out of his way to make sure it was fixed right. He even called a bunch of places to make sure that he could get parts for me and get...
posted at 12/17/10

Detail information

Company name
Urban auto center
Auto Repair
4.0 (2 reviews)
collision auto repair,  fix car paint,  engine repair car mechanic
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Urban auto center

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