BIC Automotive

BIC Automotive

Auto Repair in Yakima, WA

Auto Repair

Contact us


13 W Washington Ave,
Yakima , WA 98903 UNITED STATES

About BIC Automotive

Since 1976, the people of Yakima, WA, have trusted BIC Automotive to provide them with comprehensive auto repair services at fair prices. Our expert auto mechanics come to you with years of experience and specialized training to handle repair and maintenance needs for domestic or import vehicles of all makes and models. We will work with you to find cost-effective repair and maintenance alternatives you can trust. Give us a call today to schedule your auto service. We look forward to building a partnership with you in keeping your vehicle running at peak performance!


BIC Automotive 509-575-6676
13 W Washington Ave,
Yakima , WA 98903 UNITED STATES
BIC Automotive

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BIC Automotive
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