Auto Repair Discounters

Auto Repair Discounters

Automotive in Houston, TX

Automotive Auto Repair Transmissions and Engines

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9920 Synott Rd,
Houston , TX 77083 UNITED STATES

About Auto Repair Discounters

Auto Repair Discounters is an auto repair shop that helps customers with their car troubles. We specialize in ac repair, transmission fixes and we have monthly specials in oil changes and tune-ups


Auto Repair Discounters 281-741-0355
9920 Synott Rd,
Houston , TX 77083 UNITED STATES
Auto Repair Discounters 1

Based on 1 reviews

Auto Repair Discounters 281-741-0355
9920 Synott Rd,
Houston , TX 77083 UNITED STATES
1 5

This shop is now under 'New Management'. The 'New' Mgmt won't honor the work of the previous Mgmt (all be it, shoddy and incomplete). 'New' Mgmt left a Houston Senior Citizen w/o a working A/C, after the old man paid over $1,000 to have it fixed. Why, that was before 'New' Mgmt took over. Honor the work! Honor our seniors! What if that was your Dad? Sure, new Mgmt, but I'm sure you didn't fire all the mechanics? The ones that didnt fix the A/C in the first place! Take it out of their pay. They have been written up again in by the Better Business Bureau. Plz read those reports before taking your car here. If they do straighten up these issues, wonderful! Always, pay with a credit card and only AFTER the work is done to your satisfaction.
posted at 05/24/13

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Auto Repair Discounters
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