Auto Express

Auto Express

Auto Repair in Santa Cruz, CA

Auto Repair Tires

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2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES


Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
Auto Express 3

Based on 8 reviews

Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Love The Service

The guys at Auto Express have always taken care of my family and friends for years. They always communicate what my car needs and they use quality parts and service.They have a Free loaner vehicle for me whenever I need one.-Awesome
posted at 08/08/10
Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
1 5


i went the extra mile to register here to leave this review.. I've gone to Auto Express several times for the convenience of the 'drive through oil change'. This service is still overpriced after using the phonebook coupon but I'd taken...
posted at 09/18/10
Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Love The Service

The guys at Auto Express have always taken care of my family and friends for years. They always communicate what my car needs and they use quality parts and service.They have a Free loaner vehicle for me whenever I need one.-Awesome
posted at 08/07/10
Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
1 5


I've gone to Auto Express several times for the convenience of the 'drive through oil change'. This service is still overpriced after using the phonebook coupon but I'd taken my car in on a few occasions strictly for the convenience. I...
posted at 11/05/10
Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Auto Express Saved Me$$$

I have been going to Auto Express after I realized how much time and money they saved me. A few months ago, I needed some suspension and tire work and I absolutely need my car for work they promptly took care of me and even loaned me a...
posted at 10/27/10
Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
1 5

Only Oil please...

Their manager Paul is very rude and is not trust worthy. They have another guy their who always persists on selling me something i do not need. I only go there because they do a fast oil change and its reasonable. They have one big guy...
posted at 05/27/10
Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
1 5


i went the extra mile to register here to leave this review.. I've gone to Auto Express several times for the convenience of the 'drive through oil change'. This service is still overpriced after using the phonebook coupon but I'd taken...
posted at 09/19/10
Auto Express 831-462-3323
2842 Soquel Ave.,
Santa Cruz , CA 95062 UNITED STATES
5 5

Guys That Care!

As a female, I have been to a few auto repair shops in town that have treated me with little respect. I think most mechanics assume that women just don't get cars. I LOVE AUTO EXPRESS because Paul and his staff have always been friendly...
posted at 10/26/10

Detail information

Company name
Auto Express
Auto Repair
3.0 (8 reviews)
car mechanic,  fix car scratch,  auto bumper repair automotive repair service
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