Franco Audia, DDS

Franco Audia, DDS

Dentists in Bellevue, WA


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14420 Bel Red Road, Suite 201
Bellevue , WA 98007 UNITED STATES

About Franco Audia, DDS

Dr. Franco Audia was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He attended college at the University of Calgary and subsequently attended Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. During his dental school training Dr. Audia performed externships in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, Mayo Clinic and Los Angeles County Medical Center. He completed a residency in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery at Loma Linda University medical Center and received a Masters of Science degree. As a dedicated husband and father of two, Dr. Audia has many interests outside of his specialty. He enjoys fly fishing, mountain biking and hiking.


Franco Audia, DDS 425-644-8000
14420 Bel Red Road, Suite 201
Bellevue , WA 98007 UNITED STATES
Franco Audia, DDS

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