Atlantis Physical Therapy

Atlantis Physical Therapy

Doctors in Roxbury, MA

Doctors Massage Therapy Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Contact us


62 Warren Street,
Roxbury , MA 02119 UNITED STATES

About Atlantis Physical Therapy

Our therapeutic treatment programs include traditional exercises which are complimented by elements from yoga, Pilates, GyroKinesis , and core strength training. We work with our patients individually to facilitate the best possible therapist-patient interaction and ensure an expedient rehabilitation process. After discharge from physical therapy, patients may choose to attend our in-house yoga classes as a part of our brand-new wellness program.

Techniques & Services:

-Education about your condition
-Stretching to reduce stress on joints and improve flexibility.
-Manual therapy to improve or maintain range of motion
-Exercise to improve coordination, balance, and endurance
-Postural re-education
-Home-exercise program instruction
-Injury prevention
-Pain management
-Strength training
-Modalities such as Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Traction, hot and/or cold therapy
-Orthopedic Rehabilitation
-Work Rehabilitation
-Womens Health Therapy
-Pediatric Physical Therapy
-Vestibular Rehabilitation
-Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction
-Isokinetic Exercise/Testing


Atlantis Physical Therapy 617-442-0111
62 Warren Street,
Roxbury , MA 02119 UNITED STATES
Atlantis Physical Therapy

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Atlantis Physical Therapy
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Atlantis Physical Therapy

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