Asiatique Restaurant

Asiatique Restaurant

Restaurants in Louisville, KY

Restaurants Night Life Karaoke

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1767 Bardstown Rd,
Louisville , KY 40205 UNITED STATES


Asiatique Restaurant 502-451-2749
1767 Bardstown Rd,
Louisville , KY 40205 UNITED STATES
Asiatique Restaurant 5

Based on 2 reviews

Asiatique Restaurant 502-451-2749
1767 Bardstown Rd,
Louisville , KY 40205 UNITED STATES
5 5

Nice Highlands Spot~!

I really like this place. The food is fantastic, and the server we had was very helpful and friendly. they even have a texing serice to get awesome deals. all you have to do is text: asitique to: 86677
posted at 06/05/11
Asiatique Restaurant 502-451-2749
1767 Bardstown Rd,
Louisville , KY 40205 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Asian food in the Highlands!

I absolutely love this place. Most downtown hotels highly recommend corporate clients to go eat there. They even have a cool texting club with nice deals. all you need to do to take advantage of this is text: asiatique to: 86677
posted at 06/05/11

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Asiatique Restaurant
5.0 (2 reviews)
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