Animal Hospital of Fairfield

Animal Hospital of Fairfield

Pets in Fairfield, NJ

Pets Veterinarians Pet Care and Grooming

Contact us


428 Fairfield Rd,
Fairfield , NJ 07004 UNITED STATES

About Animal Hospital of Fairfield

Our team of highly skilled veterinarians are ready to provide your pet with quality medical care throughout your pet's lifetime. Trained in general medicine, our veterinarians perform a wide range of services, from preventative medicine and disease diagnosis to medical treatments and emergency care. We also do work with soft tissue surgeries, all orthopedic and advanced knee surgeries, T.T.A., F.H.T., M.P.L., hip surgeries, fracture repairs, and veterinary dentistry dental work. Teamed with you, your veterinarian will be able to provide both initial and continued follow up care 24-7.

These are some of the more common problems we attend to:

gastrointestinal tract diseases, skin conditions, ear infections, urinary tract infections, allergic reactions, eye problems, obstetrical problems, cardiac conditions, infectious diseases such as tracheobronchitis or parvovirus infections, and common orthopedic problems such as arthritis, ruptured ligaments, and lamenesses.

If referred to Animal Hospital of Fairfield, it is important that you remember to provide a copy of your pet's medical history as well as a list of past and current medications. Being prepared will help avoid any unnecessary tests and unforeseen expenses. Records can be faxed, but please be sure that they are legible.

We also do work dealing with soft tissue surgeries, all of the Orthopedic including the advanced knee surgeries. T.T.A., F.H.T.,M.P.L., Hip Surgeries F.H.O., cement less total hip replacement.,fractures repairs, Veterinary dentistry dental work.

After hour emergency appointments are always available. There is no need to travel to
an emergency clinic and deal with strangers.
Our doctor also performs advanced dentistry and surgeries.


Animal Hospital of Fairfield 973-227-8864
428 Fairfield Rd,
Fairfield , NJ 07004 UNITED STATES
Animal Hospital of Fairfield 3

Based on 2 reviews

Animal Hospital of Fairfield 973-227-8864
428 Fairfield Rd,
Fairfield , NJ 07004 UNITED STATES
5 5


After moving into a newq town which was Wayne. We tried looking for a vet that could do hip replacement for our dog because our dog Buddies hip was infected and it hurt him badly. Their were Know vets that could do it in NJ so we were...
posted at 04/16/11
Animal Hospital of Fairfield 973-227-8864
428 Fairfield Rd,
Fairfield , NJ 07004 UNITED STATES
1 5

Carelessness that caused my dog's death...

hurts me to even write this and relive the story of how the careless acts of this doctor caused the DEATH of our precious baby.

We have been taking Prince, our beautiful english bulldog here for a year or so. A few years ago he got the...
posted at 03/16/11

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Animal Hospital of Fairfield
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Animal Hospital of Fairfield

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