Amstar Stadium Cinema 12

Amstar Stadium Cinema 12

Arts & Entertainment in Lake Mary, FL

Arts & Entertainment Movie Theaters

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950 Colonial Grand Ln.,
Lake Mary , FL 32746 UNITED STATES


Amstar Stadium Cinema 12 321-832-7827
950 Colonial Grand Ln.,
Lake Mary , FL 32746 UNITED STATES
Amstar Stadium Cinema 12 2

Based on 1 reviews

Amstar Stadium Cinema 12 321-832-7827
950 Colonial Grand Ln.,
Lake Mary , FL 32746 UNITED STATES
2 5


Wow, what a disappointing establishment. They have luxury seats, a prime location, and all the customer base they could ask for yet they come up very, very short. The movie selection is poor at best, often not offering some blockbuster...
posted at 07/09/10

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Amstar Stadium Cinema 12
Arts & Entertainment
2.0 (1 reviews)
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Amstar Stadium Cinema 12

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