American Fellowship Mutual Insurance Co.

American Fellowship Mutual Insurance Co.

Insurance in Southfield, MI


Contact us


25925 Telegraph Rd.,
Southfield , MI 48033 UNITED STATES


American Fellowship Mutual Insurance Co. 248-352-7500
25925 Telegraph Rd.,
Southfield , MI 48033 UNITED STATES
American Fellowship Mutual Insurance Co. 1

Based on 1 reviews

American Fellowship Mutual Insurance Co. 248-352-7500
25925 Telegraph Rd.,
Southfield , MI 48033 UNITED STATES
1 5

Do the research first.

Worst paying insurance company on claims according to the Michigan Bureau of Insurance 3 years in a row! Glad I switched.

Also, you can't get ahold of them. The place is a really small office bldg. with one phone.
posted at 04/11/11

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American Fellowship Mutual Insurance Co.
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American Fellowship Mutual Insurance Co.

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