NOT ACTIVE - Alpine Dental Care - Dr. Garon Larsen - NOT ACTIVE

NOT ACTIVE - Alpine Dental Care - Dr. Garon Larsen - NOT ACTIVE

Dentists in Alpine, UT


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70 W Canyon Crest Rd,
Alpine , UT 84004 UNITED STATES

About NOT ACTIVE - Alpine Dental Care - Dr. Garon Larsen - NOT ACTIVE

Dr. Garon Larsen and his entire team are committed to the highest standards for your family’s dental health. We offer comprehensive and cutting edge dental services like powerful in-office teeth whitening, dental implants, digital X-rays and metal-free crowns. We invest in new technology and treatments to deliver faster, better results and superior patient care. Our modern, digital office has the new Dental Vibe for painless injections, in-office movies, and a genuinely caring team to make sure that you get the best dental treatment in total comfort.

We’re the longest running dental practice in town and we are proud to serve Alpine, Highland and surrounding communities. For us, providing the best service for your family also means being thorough and comprehensive every step of the way.


NOT ACTIVE - Alpine Dental Care - Dr. Garon Larsen - NOT ACTIVE 801-784-1031
70 W Canyon Crest Rd,
Alpine , UT 84004 UNITED STATES
NOT ACTIVE - Alpine Dental Care - Dr. Garon Larsen - NOT ACTIVE

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