Allstar Transmission

Allstar Transmission

Auto Repair in Seatac, WA

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES

About Allstar Transmission


Allstar Transmission 206-878-7336
20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES
Allstar Transmission 3

Based on 6 reviews

Allstar Transmission 206-878-7336
20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES
5 5

Good Transmission Shop

Top notch service, product and care of my vehicle. Took my broken car in on a towtruck expecting the worst. I had done some quick google research and was expecting to have to sell some vital organs to pay the bill. Allstar's service guy...
posted at 02/28/11
Allstar Transmission 206-878-7336
20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Repair Work, Fair Pricing

They were GREAT for me. They had to replace the entire clutch system and for the first time EVER, parts exceeded the price of labor. The price seemed fair based on phone estimates I got after describing the problem and our best guess....
posted at 05/21/10
Allstar Transmission 206-878-7336
20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES
1 5

Not trustworthy, doesnt stand behind work

Can not say enough bad things about these guys. They seem nice and helpful. Yet, when my car was finished, it had a fresh ding on the hood. When I called they put me off, saying someone would call me back... After 2 months of calling...
posted at 05/22/11
Allstar Transmission 206-878-7336
20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES
1 5

Didn't work out for us

They worked with Bucky's in the Des Moines/Kent area on Pac Hwy and ripped us off a lot of money. Stay away from both these places. There are good places out there. After a ton of money neither place fixed the car and we ended up...
posted at 09/04/10
Allstar Transmission 206-878-7336
20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES
5 5

Darn Good Mechanics

Yeah, I neglected my poor car until the tranny gave up the ghost completely. Towed ole girl into Allstar and expected to have to take out a second mortgage. When I got the call with an estimate I was shocked, in a good way. Literally...
posted at 05/16/11
Allstar Transmission 206-878-7336
20052 International Blvd, Ste A,
Seatac , WA 98198 UNITED STATES
1 5

Un trustworthy shop, Doesnt stand behind work

Can not say enough bad things about these guys. They seem nice and helpful. Yet, when my car was finished, it had a fresh ding on the hood. When I called they put me off, saying someone would call me back... After 2 months of calling...
posted at 05/22/11

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Allstar Transmission
Auto Repair
3.0 (6 reviews)
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