Aliso Hills Taekwondo

Aliso Hills Taekwondo

Martial Arts in Laguna Hills, CA

Martial Arts

Contact us


26538 Moulton Pkwy # E,
Laguna Hills , CA 92653 UNITED STATES

About Aliso Hills Taekwondo

Aliso Hills Taekwon-do is a place of learning, and the method of instruction emphasizes the traditional values of discipline, practice, hard work and focus. Master D strives to teach each class himself for continuity and accuracy. His goal is to help each student reach their full potential and therefore, he expects his students to learn and practice with diligence and sincerity.


Aliso Hills Taekwondo 949-389-0200
26538 Moulton Pkwy # E,
Laguna Hills , CA 92653 UNITED STATES
Aliso Hills Taekwondo

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Aliso Hills Taekwondo
Martial Arts
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Aliso Hills Taekwondo

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