Albers Betty DDS

Albers Betty DDS

Dentists in Houston, TX


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500 Dallas St., P70
Houston , TX 77002 UNITED STATES


Albers Betty DDS 713-658-9591
500 Dallas St., P70
Houston , TX 77002 UNITED STATES
Albers Betty DDS 5

Based on 1 reviews

Albers Betty DDS 713-658-9591
500 Dallas St., P70
Houston , TX 77002 UNITED STATES
5 5

Super friendly and great!

I have no idea what these other reviewers are talking about- sounds like people had a personal axe to grind. Dental treatments sometimes hurt! Especially if you've avoided the checkups for years before (ask me how I know!).

I've gone...
posted at 05/22/11

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Albers Betty DDS
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