Ah Connection

Ah Connection

Auto Dealers in San Jose, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Body Shops

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1010 Stockton Ave.,
San Jose , CA 95110 UNITED STATES


Ah Connection 408-977-0933
1010 Stockton Ave.,
San Jose , CA 95110 UNITED STATES
Ah Connection 5

Based on 1 reviews

Ah Connection 408-977-0933
1010 Stockton Ave.,
San Jose , CA 95110 UNITED STATES
5 5

Best Acura and Honda repair

I feel very lucky to have been directed hereby a friend about 3 years ago. I was at the end of my rope with my Odyssey after spending lots of money at the dealership and then getting confusing advice from a tire shop about "problems"...
posted at 04/24/10

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Ah Connection
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