Acd Museum

Acd Museum

Arts & Entertainment in Auburn, IN

Arts & Entertainment Museums

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730 N Main St,
Auburn , IN 46706 UNITED STATES


Acd Museum 260-925-1444
730 N Main St,
Auburn , IN 46706 UNITED STATES
Acd Museum 4

Based on 1 reviews

Acd Museum 260-925-1444
730 N Main St,
Auburn , IN 46706 UNITED STATES
4 5

Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg Museum is an eye opening experience for car lovers.

I was amazed by all the technology that these cars makers created. This place was an awesome experience for me. I absolutely love old cars and to be able to appreciate their
beauty was astonishing especailly the replica that built with...
posted at 01/03/10

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Acd Museum
Arts & Entertainment
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Acd Museum

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