Accorde Orthodontists

Accorde Orthodontists

Dentists in Rogers, MN


Contact us


14115 James Rd, #301
Rogers , MN 55374 UNITED STATES

About Accorde Orthodontists

Imagine orthodontics in a comfortable atmosphere with state-of-the-art facilities and high technology advances, providing you with a great experience and the highest quality orthodontic care. This is Accorde Orthodontists, and we invite you to join our office family, where establishing a trusting and friendly relationship is our priority. Whether you’re an adult, adolescent or child, we are committed to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.


Accorde Orthodontists 763-428-4228
14115 James Rd, #301
Rogers , MN 55374 UNITED STATES
Accorde Orthodontists 3

Based on 1 reviews

Accorde Orthodontists 763-428-4228
14115 James Rd, #301
Rogers , MN 55374 UNITED STATES
3 5

Accorde Orthodontists

This is a pretty good place to get your braces done. For the most part people are gentle in your mouth and friendly. I did have one pretty bad experience, but they ended up sending me a gift card and an appology.
posted at 01/28/10

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Accorde Orthodontists
3.0 (1 reviews)
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